A Foreign Legal Consultant (FLC) from Pakistan for California is an attorney or counselor at law licensed in Pakistan who has received special certification from the State Bar of California to represent a client in California. Overseas Pakistanis face a variety of legal challenges, including issues related to immigration, property, inheritance, and child adoption. Foreign legal consultants (FLCs) can provide valuable assistance to overseas Pakistanis in navigating these challenges. Here are some ways in which FLCs can help:

Legal Consultancy:

FLCs can provide legal advice and guidance on the laws of Pakistan and the laws of the country where the overseas Pakistani resides. They can assist in matters related to immigration, property, inheritance, and child adoption.


National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP) is an official identification document for Pakistani citizens working or living abroad. FLCs can assist in obtaining NICOP for overseas Pakistanis.

Child Adoption:

Child adoption in Pakistan is a complicated process, and there is no specific law regarding the adoption of a child. FLCs can provide guidance on the legal requirements and procedures for child adoption in Pakistan.

Buying and sell Property in Pakistan:

FLCs can provide legal guidance to overseas Pakistanis and foreign nationals who want to buy property in Pakistan. By becoming a tax filer, overseas Pakistanis can enjoy various benefits, including lower taxes on banking transactions, vehicle registration, transfer of property, etc.

Litigation and Disputes:

FLCs can assist overseas Pakistanis in litigation and disputes, including declaration of title for legal heirs, Pakistani Visa for foreign nationality spouses, etc. FLCs can assist overseas Pakistanis in litigation and disputes by providing legal consultancy and guidance. They can help overseas Pakistanis understand their legal rights, obligations, and options in a legal dispute. FLCs can provide advice on the best course of action, help with legal documentation, and recommend local lawyers who can represent the overseas Pakistani in court proceedings.

Inheritance Law:

FLCs can provide guidance on inheritance law in Pakistan, which is primarily governed by the Succession Act 1925. According to Sharia law, legal heirs who are blood relatives have the right to inherit property from the ancestor or a relative after their death.

In conclusion, FLCs can provide valuable assistance to overseas Pakistanis in navigating legal challenges. It is important to note that the specific details and regulations surrounding legal matters in Pakistan may vary, and it is recommended to consult with a reputable FLC or attorney for guidance on legal matters related to Pakistan.

For more information call us at 510-936-8211